Contact us

Get help and support

To help with your query, we may ask you to try some steps first before contacting us. All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.

Use the menus to select the topic you need help with.

You may need to select from up to 3 menus. If you are having an issue finding a support topic, try changing your menu selection to browse different topics.

You can access your myACCA account using your ACCA ID (or 'username') and password to log in.

Logging in tips

If you know both your ACCA ID and the registered email address on your myACCA account, but still can't log in, it may be a browser issue.


In the event you are facing issues accessing your account:

  1. Clear your browser's history, cache and cookies
  2. Close the ACCA website and log in page
  3. If you are using a VPN, disconnect it
  4. Make sure your device has the correct local time zone for your current location
  5. Re-open your browser or try a different browser
  6. Take a screenshot of the error or issue you are facing (include the page URL)
  7. Note which part of your account you are unable access
  8. Check that you have pop-ups enabled

You can normally reset your password using the 'Forgotten your password?' option on the myACCA login page. By entering your username (ACCA ID), you should receive an email with a link to reset your password.

Your new password must be a minimum of 8 characters long and contain at least: 

  • One lower case alphabetic character 
  • One upper case alphabetic character 
  • One special character (for example ?! / #~ @)
  • One numeric character 

Logging in tips

If you know both your username/ACCA ID and the registered email address on your myACCA account, but still cannot log in, it may be a browser issue.

If you have registered with us and you have not had confirmation your account is created, we are unable to reset your password.


In the event you are unable reset your password:

  1. Clear your internet history, your cache, and cookies
  2. Close the ACCA website and log in page
  3. Re-open your browser or try other browsers
  4. Check your spam or junk folder for the password reset link
  5. Take a screenshot of the error or issue you are facing (include the page URL)

What next?

If the password is still not working or you cannot find the reset link, use the ‘I am unable to access myACCA’ option on this form for support.

If you change your name through deed poll, marriage or decree nisi, you will need to inform us so this can be updated. If your name is inaccurately reflected on your account, we can resolve that too.

Please have copies of your documentation and relevant certificates copied onto a document for uploading. If not in English, we'd need the documentation to be translated into English by an official, sworn translator and stamped. These are required to validate your request.

Required documents:

  • Birth certificate
  • Change of name by deed poll
  • Marriage certificate
  • Decree nisi
  • Any other official document showing your name or date of birth
  • Passport / National ID card / Driving License

If you are a member or fellow of ACCA, you will be able to download a new certificate which shows the name change after 48 hours.

If you need to update other personal details on your account, choose the option ‘Change my personal details’ in the ‘Account Access / Management’ menu for instructions.

If you need help, you can use our ‘Ask ACCA’ chat function for support.

If you need to update your personal details on your myACCA account, please use the following guidance.

It is important you have the correct contact details on your account, as this helps us with communication and your account settings.

Update email

  • Login to myACCA
  • From the menu, select 'My details'
  • Select 'Contact details'
  • Use the 'Edit' option under the email address section
  • Update your email
  • Scroll down and select 'Save changes'

Update telephone number

  • Login to myACCA
  • From the menu, select 'My details'
  • Select 'Contact details'
  • Under the phone section, select the 'Edit' option
  • Update your telephone number
  • Scroll down and select 'Save changes'

Address (mailing / home / business)

  • Login to myACCA
  • From the menu, select 'My details'
  • Select 'Contact details'
  • Scroll down to find 'Address'
  • Select 'Edit'
  • Choose 'Business' or 'Home address'
  • Choose your country/region
  • Update your address
  • Scroll down and select 'Save changes'

You can amend these details at any time. Changes will be updated on your myACCA account within 48 hours.

To update your name please use the option ‘Change name on account’ in the ‘Account Access and Management’ menu. You will not be able to do this yourself, as we need to validate your ID to make that change.

We welcome affiliates back at any time who wish to pick up their journey to membership and re-instate their account. Simply select "Yes" if you wish to contact us. This will open a form for you to complete and send to us.

You can download a reinstatement form from the your subscription page of our website. Please select, send us a message below and upload your completed reinstatement form by answering "Yes" to the question "Would you like to upload files with your query?".

Once you have submitted your details using this form, your myACCA account will be reopened within 24 hours. This will allow you to view your outstanding balance, which will include a re-registration fee. You can then make payment via myACCA.

After your request has been submitted, we will notify you of the payment deadline, which will be 10 days after reopening your account.

If payment has not been made in full by the deadline, your account will automatically be deactivated again, and you will not be able to access your myACCA account.

If you need to know your account balance first, use the Contact Us option 'Fees, and Payments', then 'Balance / Invoice / Receipt', then 'Balance enquiry' and our advisers can tell you via web chat.

Once you have submitted the form you will not need to contact us again for your account to be opened

We understand there may be circumstances which may mean you are unable to maintain your ACCA membership.

ACCA has options that may support you to maintain your membership.

CPD waiver:

We realise that it isn’t always possible to meet your CPD requirement, so in exceptional circumstances we may grant a waiver.

For more information, visit our CPD waivers section

Log in to your myACCA account and complete an online self-declaration.

Reduced subscription: 

You may be eligible to pay a reduced subscription fee based upon your circumstances. 

For more information, visit our reduced subscriptions section

Lifetime membership: 

Lifetime membership is open to all Fellows (FCCA) who are permanently retired from work or business (full or part time). 

Visit our lifetime membership section for more information. 

Still want to resign?

Complete and submit the form to confirm you no longer wish to maintain your membership.

When you're ready to apply, there are two ways you can apply for membership:

  1. complete the online application via your myACCA account; or 
  2. print, complete and return a membership application form

You're eligible to become an ACCA member as soon as you've completed:

  • your exams
  • the Ethics and Professional Skills Module
  • the Practical Experience Requirement by:
    • achieving 36 months in a relevant accountancy or finance role
    • completing the required 9 performance objectives or claiming the Approved Employer performance objective exemption
    • getting all your experience signed off by your practical experience supervisor.

To complete you application online:

  1. Log in to myACCA
  2. From the menu, select the 'My qualification' option
  3. Select 'Apply for membership'
  4. The pre-application checklist will show
  5. Make sure your mailing address is up to date, as we’ll send your membership certificate there if your application is successful
  6. Follow the onscreen instructions to finalise your application

Applications for membership are currently taking longer than normal. Please look out for email updates on the progress of your application. 

Need more guidance? 

We want you to have a smooth transition to ACCA membership. So here's some  advice to help you with admission process:

We award certificates on the completion of certain exams within the ACCA Qualification and Foundation-level qualifications.

The certificates are official documents and can be downloaded at any time from your myACCA account

We do not provide a paper copy of your certificate, nor do we send certificates by post.

Please note you must sit and pass (or gain full exemption from) the required exams and complete the Ethics and Professional Skills or Foundations in Professionalism module in order to be eligible for a certificate.

For more information, visit the Types of certificates section

You can print your certificates at any time, free of charge, from your myACCA account. They are available within 72 hours of completing the relevant exams and Ethics and Professional Skills / Foundations in Professionalism module (where relevant).

To print your certificate:

  1. Login to myACCA
  2. From the menu, select 'Documents & downloads'
  3. Select 'Certificate'
  4. Choose the certificate you want to print from the list

For a list of certificates we offer, visit our Types of certificate section

If you face issues downloading or accessing your certificate, try our trouble shooting steps

If you need your help with your certificate, or you would like your certificates accompanied with a letter for attestation, use the 'Ask ACCA' chat option.

To download and print your Letter of Good Standing, follow these instructions:

  1. Login to myACCA
  2. On the left, select Documents and downloads (if using a mobile device, select the Menu icon from the top left-hand corner)
  3. Select the letter you want to download If you’re downloading a letter of good standing, select the reason for your download
  4. Select 'Submit'
  5. Save letter to desktop

Please ensure your browser is set to allow pop-ups. The letter will download in .pdf format, so you'll need a PDF viewer on your computer to view the file.

Please note that you will not be able to access a Letter of Good Standing if there is an overdue balance on your account. Letters of Good standing are also not available for members in practice.

Most certificates you gain while with ACCA will appear on your account.

You can print your certificates at any time, free of charge, from your myACCA account, usually within 72 hours of completing the relevant exam(s); Ethics and Professional Skills Module; or Foundations in Professionalism module.

Requesting a copy to be sent by ACCA will be the same as you can print at home via your myACCA account.

To print your certificate:

  1. Log in to myACCA
  2. From the menu, select 'Documents & downloads'
  3. Select 'Certificate'
  4. Select the certificate to print from the list.

You'll find a list of certificates you can gain with ACCA on our website. Please note that all exams and the EPSM module are required to be completed and passed, where applicable to gain the relevant certificate.

If you have completed one of our qualifications and the certificate is not displayed on your account, use the form below. We'll investigate and send you a digital copy via email. 

It is important you give us as much information as possible, including the exams you have taken and the dates they were passed, so we can resolve your request as quickly as possible.

Transcripts are free for all active ACCA students, affiliates and members.

Follow the steps below to download your transcript:

Member / fellow

  • Under the Exam history section, use the 'Download now' option

A new window will open and your transcript will download as a .pdf file onto your desktop. You'll need a PDF reader on your device to view the transcript.

Inactive affiliates / members

If your account is inactive (due to resignation or removal from the register), there is a standard fee of 25 GBP for the request of a transcript.

You can call our Connect team on +44 (0)141 582 2000 to pay the fee. Then we'll email your transcript to you.

Once you have contacted WES and have your WES reference number, use this option to request ACCA to provide your details to WES.

To complete your WES request please have the following: 

  1. Title, full name (as displayed on your myACCA account) 
  2. ACCA registration/ID number 
  3. WES reference number 

If you have all your details, complete the form below placing your WES reference number in the free text box.

To validate a WES certificate, use our verification tool

For guidance on attestation, visit our Attestation of ACCA certificates section

The Ethics and Professional Skills Module (EPSM) has 10 units and lasts approximately 15 hours. Topics covered include communications, commercial, innovation, analysis and evaluation skills.

For guidance and tips, visit our Completing your EPSM section

If you are facing issues with the module, please try our trouble shooting steps  and if these do not resolve your issue, get in touch with us.

Please remember to include as much information, including screenshots, to help us resolve your issue.

To view your account balance:

  • Login to myACCA
  • From the menu, select 'Fees & transactions'
  • Under Account balance, select the 'View now' option
  • The transaction summary window will open

If your account is currently suspended and you need to find out the balance to re-register or re-instate your account, please contact us.

To print or view a receipt/invoice:

  1. Log into myACCA
  2. Select 'Account administration' from the menu
  3. Select 'Fees, Payments and Print Receipts'
  4. The transaction summary window will open
  5. Use the 'Print' option to print a receipt/invoice 
  6. The receipt/invoice will appear in a new window
  7. To print and/or save a receipt/invoice, right click within the window and select 'Save as' or 'Print'
  8. When you select each invoice or receipt, it will open and give you a breakdown of fees in relation to that invoice


  • Please ensure that your browser is set up to allow pop-ups
  • You'll nee a PDF reader installed on your device to read the file

We know that sometimes payments can be declined, and this can cause some concern.

Here are common reasons why and what can be done to resolve:

  • Check you have sufficient funds in the account you are making payments from
  • If you are paying from outside of the UK, tell your bank or card provider to allow this to be processed.
  • Make sure you enter the correct details.
  • Using a card in someone else’s name may not be approved by the bank.
  • Is the card you are using still valid?
  • Is it a new card and has it been activated?
  • Have you approved the payment via your banking app?
  • Has your card been reported lost or stolen?
  • Are you trying to use your card in another country other than the one it was issued?
  • If you have recent moved country, have you informed your bank or card provider of this change?

It is recommended that all payments are made directly to ACCA. However, if you choose to use a payment broken, please ensure you use one that is reputable and trusted. This will help protect your transactions and ensure the security of your financial information.

If you have missed the payment deadline, you’re at risk of being removed from our register because you have not renewed your annual subscription or paid your outstanding balance.

But it’s not too late to continue your ACCA journey. Just pay your outstanding fees as soon as possible.

You can pay your outstanding balance in instalments to make things more manageable. We ask that the full balance, including any other outstanding fees, is paid.

To find out your current outstanding balance:

  1. Log into myACCA using your username (ACCA ID) and password
  2. Select 'Fees and Transactions', then use the 'View now' option
  3. You'll see all outstanding fees on your account

To make a part-payment:

  1. Log into myACCA using your username and password
  2. Select 'Fees and Transactions', then use the 'View now' option
  3. You'll see all outstanding fees on your account
  4. Tick the box next to the fees to be partially paid and use the red 'Pay' button at the top of the account summary page
  5. Enter a 'Payment amount', overwriting the amount in the box with the amount you are going to pay
  6. Select 'Recalculate' to update the balance due
  7. Select 'Pay' to go to the payment screen
  8. Select your preferred payment method
  9. Follow the instructions to complete your payment

If you choose to select all outstanding transactions, please note the amount paid will automatically be allocated to the oldest invoice on your account.

We can only accept part payments for fees that have already been invoiced to your ACCA account.

If you do not make full payment by the deadline, you’ll have to a pay a re-registration fee plus any outstanding fees if you're removed and want to re-register.

If you've been an affiliate for over 3 years, you may be eligible for a reduced subscription.

Extended-leave subscription

You may qualify for an extended-leave subscription if you're not in active employment and are in one of the following categories:

  • raising a family full-time or are a full-time career
  • re-entered full-time education
  • experiencing long-term unemployment
  • suffering a prolonged illness that’s prevented you from seeking employment
  • left accountancy to pursue a religious vocation

Subscription assistance

This is available to our affiliates who are employed and earning less than 15,000 GBP per year. Applications are currently open for the 2024 subscription year. If your application is accepted, your fees will be adjusted accordingly on your account and a confirmation email will be sent to you. Any application accepted in advance for the following year will reflect the reduced rate from January onwards.

To continue to be eligible for reduced subscriptions, you'll have to re-apply annually.

Applying for a reduced subscription:

If your account is currently active, apply via myACCA. You’ll be asked to submit evidence documents to confirm you earn less than the value stated on our website. Your supporting evidence helps us to fully assess your circumstances. The documents we require will vary depending on your circumstances but some examples of what may be accepted are:

  • A tax return
  • Confirmation you receive some form of government benefits.
  • Letter of termination from employer
  • A document from your local tax office confirming no tax paid for the year.
  • Confirmation of salary from employer, e.g. a payslip or furlough letter or contract letter   

But if you have documents which fall into another category, share them with us and we'll advise accordingly. To submit your document, choose to contact us and fill in the relevant information. 

Please note, your email address, date of birth and name must match what is on your  myACCA account. If you require support to update any of your information, choose ‘Account access / management’ and then ‘Change my personal details’ on this form and one of the team will support your request.

Please also note that:

  • All documents should be officially translated into English if the original is in another language
  • All documents should be no more than 3 years old. If they are older, please obtain more recent information before submitting your application.
  • Bank statements cannot be accepted as evidence.

Suspended / inactive accounts

If your account is currently inactive and you're looking to apply for reduced subscriptions, press yes to contact us message below and fill in the relevant information and upload your document and evidence. 

Please note, your email address, date of birth and name must match what is was registered on your myACCA account when you complete the message information.  If you require support to update any of your information, choose ‘Account access / management’ and then ‘Change my personal details’ on this form and one of the team will support your request. 

For additional guidance, you can visit our subscription section

You can pay your subscription balance in instalments to make things more manageable. We ask that the full balance, including any other outstanding fees, is paid by 31 March 2025.

You can find out current outstanding balance by:

  • Log into myACCA using your username (ACCA ID) and password
  • Select 'Fees and Transactions', then the red button marked 'View now'
  • You'll see all outstanding fees on your account

For instructions on how to make part payments watch our short video. Please note you may still receive email reminders regarding your outstanding balance.

Please make full payment of any outstanding balances by 31 March 2025 to avoid risk of your account being suspended.

If you stored your card details on your myACCA account and wish to remove or update them, simply click the ‘X’ at the top-right of the pop-up box.

You can then re-enter your new card details.

When we apply a credit to your myACCA account, the fees are held for you to use toward future payments with us. Where we apply goodwill, this cannot be refunded as it is intended to use towards future payments.

If you have no other fees outstanding, you can request this credit to be refunded back to the source from which the payment was made. Banks and card providers will only allow refunds back to the original card or account. For credits applied in goodwill these are not refundable to your bank.

To help us with your request, please provide us all the information relating to the payment so we can complete your request as quickly as possible.

What do we need?

  • Your ACCA ID
  • Full name
  • Email linked to your myACCA account.
  • Date of birth
  • The amount you are looking to credit back to your Bank Account
  • Your bank details completed on the form

Please note your name, date of birth, email address must match what is showing on your myACCA account. If you require support to update any of your information, please go back to the menu and select Account Access/Management and then change of personal details and one of the team will support your request.

For processing a bank transfer, the account used to make payment will be the same as the one we transfer the funds back to. The account should be in your own name. It is especially important that you complete the form accurately and full so that there is no delay in processing your refund request.

This can also be used to process a refund due to your card or PayPal expiring, if you use this option in error, we will notify you and process your refund if the card used or PayPal is still valid.

You will find the bank transfer form on our admin forms page, under the 'Finance forms' section. You should complete the form and return it to us.

To submit your bank transfer request, choose to contact us and fill in the information listed above on the form. Please make sure you upload the form with your message for us to process.

Please note that refunds by bank transfer can take up to 21 days to process.

When we apply a credit to your myACCA account, the fees are held for you to use toward future payments with us.

If you have no other fees outstanding, you can request this credit to be refunded back to the where the payment was made from. Banks and card providers will only allow refunds back to the original card or account. Note that credits applied in goodwill are not refundable to a card.

To help us with your request, please have the card details that were used for the payment so we can complete your request as quickly as possible.

What do we need?

  • Your ACCA ID
  • Full name
  • Email linked to your myACCA account.
  • Date of birth
  • The amount you are looking to credit back to your card

In addition, we can only process a card refund to the card holder; if it was the method of payment; it has not expired; and it is your card.

Please note:

If the card has expired, you can request for the refund to be transferred to a bank account using the 'Bank transfer' option under 'Refunds and account credits' on this contact page.

When we apply a credit to your myACCA account, the fees are held for you to use toward future payments with us. Credits applied in goodwill are not refundable as they are there to be used towards future payments.

If you have made a payment to us using either Alipay or PayPal and wish for this credit to be refunded, you can use this form to make your request.


For us to process a refund to Alipay, the payment must have been made within 365 days. If it is over this period use the 'Bank transfer' option under 'Refunds and account credits' on this contact page. We will process your refund by checking the payment source and account details provided when you made your payment.


For us to process a refund to your PayPal account, the payment must have been made within 60 days. If it is over this period use the 'Bank transfer' option under 'Refunds and account credits' on this contact page. We will process your refund by checking the payment source and account details provided when you made payment.

What we need from you:

Use this form to request your refund to Alipay or PayPal. Please complete all fields. In the free text box, tell us the amount you wish to be refunded and what the payment was made for.

If you submit a request your account must have the credit showing. We will not refund if you paid for a service or product that has been used.

Guidance is available under the 'Bank transfer' part of our How to pay section

It's important that you provide all the details for your bank transfer to reach us and allocate correctly to your account. Payments can take up to 7 working days to reach us.

When sending payments by bank transfer, you need to email a remittance/allocation list to If you don't provide this, it will result in any unidentified payments being returned directly to your bank after 60 days. 

Please note:

If you pay by bank transfer, then bank charges may be applied to your payment. These could be applied at either end of the transaction being processed. If charges are applied, they will be taken from the payment that you have made to ACCA.

If you have made a payment and it has not been allocated to your account after 10 days, our team may be able to help you.

To help us trace your payment, please contact us with all of the following information:

  • the amount transferred in GBP
  • the date it was processed
  • the reference details included on your payment
  • evidence of the payment submitted, such as a copy of the bank transfer receipt

Please also supply the details for the account that the payment is to be applied to including your:

  • Full name
  • Registered email address (the email address on your myACCA account)

We are unable to investigate bank transfers made less than 10 days ago, as we need to allow sufficient time for processing by our finance team.

We offer a range of ways to pay your annual subscription and for the other payments you need to make.

Additional information on our payment options are available in our How to pay section

If you face issues making payments, try our trouble shooting guide

When making payments online to us, you should check with the card provider as payments made are international. Make sure you enter the card details accurately and correctly. The card you use should be in your name and, if not, you must seek the card holder’s permission to use this. Card providers may decline payments, which ACCA has no control over. 

If you’re a UK bank account holder, you can set up a direct debit to pay your annual subscription. You should complete and return the Direct Debit mandate form. For guidance, visit our How to pay section, and refer to the 'Direct Debits (UK bank accounts only)' part. 

Once your Direct Debit is set up, your subscription will be collected on or around 1 January each year.

Please note:

The Direct Debit payment option only covers your annual subscription. So you’ll need to pay any other fees using a different payment method.

The quickest way of submitting this, by pressing yes to send us a message and fill in the information required.

Please note your name, date of birth, email address must match what is showing on your myACCA account.  If you require support to update any of your information, choose ‘Account access / management’ and then ‘Change my personal details’ on this form and one of the team will support your request.

You will be able to upload your form to the message. It will be passed securely to our finance team, who will set up your mandate.

If you are reside in Myanmar, we are using Fuse Pay to help you make online payments.

For any invoice raised to your myACCA account, we'll send your Fuse Pay payment link to your registered email address within 3 to 4 working days.

Please remember to also check your spam/junk folders of your email inbox. 

Payments should be made within 30 days of receiving this link.

Once payment is made, please allow 3 working days for it to be applied to your myACCA account.

In some circumstances, it may take a day or two longer.

There is no need to contact us to request the link. 

It's easy to pay online, via your myACCA account.

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to myACCA
  2. From the menu, select 'Fees & transactions'
  3. Under 'Account balance', select the 'View now' option
  4. The transaction summary window will open
  5. Select transactions and select 'Pay'
  6. The transaction payment details will open in a new screen
  7. Pay the amount under 'Payment Amount' or change to pay all outstanding fees
  8. Select 'Pay'
  9. The payment screen will open in a new window
  10. Choose your payment method
  11. Select 'Pay' and follow the onscreen instructions.


  • If you're paying by credit or debit card from outside the UK, your card must be enabled to make international payments (in GBP). Please contact your card provider to confirm this before making your payment
  • Ensure your browser is set up to allow pop-ups

If you face issues paying online the quickest way to complete your payment is to call our Connect team on +44 (0)141 582 2000

At ACCA we are committed to providing excellent customer service at every possible opportunity.

As with all organisations, there may be rare occasions when our service falls below an acceptable standard. If this happens, please send us full details of your complaint.

We regard a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction about the provision of or failure to provide a service.

What can you complain about?

  • The quality and standard of any service we provide
  • The administration of our policies
  • Our failure to provide a service
  • The accessibility of the systems and products we offer
  • Our ability to apply administrative processes

Please provide the following information when raising a complaint:

  • Your personal details to verify your account
  • What has gone wrong (summary of the complaint)
  • How you would like us to resolve the matter
  • What evidence you may have to support your complaint (if relevant)

A member of our complaints team will complete a full and independent investigation. 

For more information on our complaints processes, visit our Unhappy with the service you have received? section For these established processes, please follow the submissions guidance on this webpage.

For any other complaint types, please complete the fields below to submit your complaint.

The complaints team will respond to you within 10 working days to provide the outcome of the investigation, or to request further information to conclude your case.  

Students and affiliates who work for an ACCA Approved Employer can log their time and objectives gained within a relevant role by completing the Approved Employer PER Confirmation form, available in our Practical experience - Approved Employers section

Once complete, use this Contact Us option, press yes to send us a message and fill in the information required and upload your PER Confirmation form. We will then update your My Experience record. Please make sure any signatures are either digital or handwritten, and not typed. We cannot accept any typed signatures.

Please retain the original form for your records.

It is at the employer's discretion if all or some of the objectives are eligible to be signed off.

For more information on PER objectives, visit our Choosing your objectives section

Your Practical Experience Supervisor (PES) should be someone within your organisation who is either a member of an IFAC body or a qualified accountant (or auditor) recognised by law in your country and who knows your work.

For your performance objectives, each separate objective must have an individual signature and date that it was achieved. We cannot accept one signature for multiple objectives.

Please remember to complete all fields that require information ACCA ID, name, date of birth, email address. 

Please note your name, date of birth, email address must match what is on your myACCA account. If you require support to update any of your information, choose ‘Account access / management’ and then ‘Change my personal details’ on this form and one of the team will support your request.

We require all of these to fully process your Approved Employer PER form.  

You'll recording your PER progress online using My Experience which you can access through MyACCA.

Recording time in a relevant role

You'll need to record details of your employer and your role, and the PER time will calculate your time in a relevant role. As a minimum you'll enter details of your job title, start date, average hours per week and how relevant your role is to allow your time to be calculated. If it's a current role leave the end date blank, and the time will accrue automatically.

Claiming your time

You only need to claim time when you leave a role or when you reach 36 months overall experience - we'll remind you to do this.  If your circumstances stay the same, then you don’t need to send regular time claims to your supervisor.

Leaving your role?

To claim time when you’re leaving a role you need to update your role and then send your time to your supervisor for sign off.  You can do this by following these steps:

Step one - update your role:

  1. Go to the employment section
  2. Select the role you want to update
  3. Select 'Edit this role'
  4. Enter your end date
  5. Select 'Save and finish'
  6. Make sure you have a supervisor linked to the role

Step two - claim time:

  • Select 'Claim time'
  • Locate the role you want to claim time for on the left-hand side of the screen
  • Select 'Claim this time' to send it to your supervisor

How do I record experience if I'm on career break?

As your PER is based on the time you’re gaining relevant work experience - if you're taking an extended break from work but will be returning at some point in the future (for example maternity leave, long-term illness, taking time off to care for a relative), you should add an end date to you role. You can then add a new role - with a new start date - when you start working again.

Completed 36 months’ experience?

Once you reach 36 months’ experience in your role, you should send the time to your supervisor to review and sign off. 

If you have any questions relating to submitting your time you can use our 'Ask ACCA' chat option to connect with our team.

The performance objectives are made up of a description, elements which describe the skills and experience you must demonstrate and a statement. The statement allows you to summarise and reflect on your work activity, so that your supervisor can evaluate whether you have achieved the standard required for the performance objective you are trying to achieve. You will need to claim five elements and complete a 200–500-word statement for each performance objective.

You can claim elements individually as soon as you achieve them, you do not have to wait until you are ready to submit the whole objective.

When writing your statement:

  • Be concise
  • Avoid using jargon or abbreviations, unless they are explained.
  • Provide evidence and examples to help illustrate your statement.
  • Avoid repeating information or referring to other statements.

Remember that your experience is unique, and your statement should be unique too.

You should consider the following when writing you statements:

  • Keep your answers short, but relevant. Use a minimum of between 200 and 500 words. As a guide, someone who doesn't know your work should be able to read your statements and fully understand and appreciate the work you've completed.
  • Check back against the description of the performance objective. Have you met all the outcomes and shown that you have conducted yourself in an appropriate manner?
  • Provide one or two examples of activities you have done to meet the elements to illustrate your statement.
  • Your practical experience supervisor should obtain value from your statements, as these should provide them with a useful reminder about your workplace achievement and contribution.

Download our guide on how to write performance objective statements (PDF, 67KB)

To submit your performance objective to your supervisor in My Experience follow these steps:

  • Choose your chosen performance objective from the list
  • Select 'Start objective' and complete, then save your statement
  • Select 'Claim objective' to add it to your basket
  • Select the basket icon to review the basket and send your objective to your supervisor

If you are facing some issues, or have any questions about submitting your PER objectives use 'Ask ACCA' to chat with an agent.

If you have your documents, you can use our 'Ask ACCA' chat if you need help.

Our customer service agent will ask you for your documents. Please get your documents (translated into English) and come back to chat with an agent.

Our customer service agent will ask you to try these steps. Please try them and come back and complete the form if you are still having issues.

Our customer service agent will ask you to try these steps. Please try them and come back and use our 'Ask ACCA' chat if you are still having issues.

If you don't need to contact us, you can close the page. But you can return later if you need support. 

Please only launch 1 chat session, as multiple sessions increases wait times for other customers 

Our 'Ask ACCA' chat function may take a few seconds to check if the service is open and an agent is available. Thanks for your patience

If you don't need to chat with us, you can close the page. But you can return later if you need support. 

This is the 7 digit ACCA ID you were issued with when you joined.

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Uploading multiple large files may take some time, depending on your internet speed. It is not recommended for connections slower than 10 Mbps. 

If you have problems uploading documents via the form, or if your connection is too slow, alternatively you can upload files through our webchat.

To use webchat:

From the 'What can we help you with?' menu at the top of this form choose 'Uploading documents with slow internet speed'. This will display the webchat option which you can use to upload your files.

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    File upload guidance

    Maximum file size: 15 MB 

    Recommended maximum number of files: 3

    File naming

    Do not include special characters (i.e. @, #, $, %, &, ?, etc.) in your document file names, as this could block upload

    Accepted file formats

    Documents: .doc, .docx, .dot, .pdf

    Images: .jpg, .tiff, .png, .bmp, .gif

    We may use your personal data (provided on this form or otherwise collected during the course of your relationship with ACCA) for the purposes of:

    • responding to enquiries and investigating complaints
    • complying with our regulatory obligations
    • verifying your identity to support your enquiry
    • for the purposes of administering your account

    You can update your information at any time, by contacting us or through myACCA if you are a student, affiliate or member.

    Please note that for individuals based outside the UK, your information will be held in ACCA’s main information systems which are located in the UK & EU and may be accessed by ACCA’s local office in your country of residence.

    ACCA processes information within the UK & EU, but may also transfer data outside of the UK & EU as part of its operations and service delivery. 

    For more information on how your information and rights are respected, please see our privacy notice, or contact

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